Need vs Necessity

What is a necessity and how it differs from need, or are these two synonyms. In this post I have tried to explore these two words.

I think, necessity is an absolute need without which survival would not be possible and need is relative. It keeps changing with time, situation and thinking of generations or people.

Necessity remains constant for all. If I represent need and necessity by two circles, I can draw a relation between the two. A meeting point where both become interchangeable depending upon situation. Here situation is an umbrella term which includes time, people and their dependencies.

Water, oxygen and food are absolute needs without which we would not be able to survive on this planet. Sun, plants are necessities and have an indirect dependents on them.

We keep on inventing needs and then things to satisfy those needs. Certain needs become necessity , means of survival and vice versa. It depends in which situation we are in. Like during winters keeping ourselves warm is a necessity to keep ourselves alive. These necessities are not absolute like water, air , food and hence, change with environment. Bringing down pollution levels is the need of time, if not taken care of, will turn into a grave necessity soon.

In the end the game is all about survival, keeping ourselves alive.

Can it be concluded that absolute needs become necessity, most important for our survival.
Two faces of same coin, which keep revealing their importance with every toss.


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