Short Journey...

While travelling back home in a metro, experienced life for some time.

On my extreme left was sitting a few months old infant and on my right was a man who was may be in the last season of his life. In between were people in different stages of life, felt as if was looking at a portrait of life.

The infant was busy in his/her own world and so was the old gentleman. But the stages in between, a family sitting just in-front of me talking and laughing together, some school kids discussing their own stuff and eating from single tiffin, a mix of rice and some veggie which looked yum partially because I was hungry my self.

A young man smartly dressed, sure thought he was looking too handsome, one could easily read his expression.

Another family adjusting two little kids in a single seat of an adult. It was lovely to see how the elder one held on to the younger sibling so she or he may not fall in spite of being so young herself. Girls are born with motherly instinct.

Sadly my transition station came too early.

A smile from a random girl while I was waiting for my train, felt good and embarrassing, not sure why. Random smiles can be puzzling but surely makes a person look beautiful, that girl was indeed.

Next journey started with a smile from a random girl. Every body in here seemed busy, glued to mobiles, books, notes and some to themselves.

And yes food.  Ah! A McDonald's burger smells tastier than the burger itself when one is hungry.

A small group of women with loads of shopping bags busy talking within themselves. Reminds me of my girl gang, friends make load of life a lot lighter.

A couple of Non Indian girls enjoying their journey, laughing, talking and whistling. Don't see any crease of fear or insecurity on their face. They seem to be at ease just like all of us in this ladies compartment except they must be tired as they had been standing since the time they boarded but there are many like them.

Well I am tired too, and about to reach my station.

The women's compartment is noisier than a general compartment, we talk a lot even when most of us are busy on phone, few of us make sure that the reputation is maintained.

I reached my station and end of my short trip but beautiful experience. Learnt we should smile often, we never know when our smile can make someone's day..:-)


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