Perfection...just a matter of perception.....OR

While growing up i was always told that i should always try to be perfect in what i do...was given many examples too from within family and outside. I always had to fight with this sad feeling that i am not perfect, and find ways i could achieve it. No matter how hard i tried but could never meet the satisfaction level of others and thought i was a failure when compared to others.....I guess most of us go though this at some point in our lives.

But, does anything like 'Perfect' really exist...or is this just a relative term, matter of perception?

I believe it is. Nothing in this world is 'Perfect'. Had it been so there would be no place for enhancements in our lives & around us. Look around and feel for a minute- the nature, countries, people, why go far just have a look within..isn't everything always evolving. Only difference is the pace, sometimes we can differentiate immediately & at others we experience it much later.

Improvement is an Integral part of evolution, How can we expect to evolve if we are perfect. So why to run after something which is unreal & only relative and be unhappy....rather live a perfect life imperfectly and be at least happy & is us who have to make the Choice....

We need to learn to love ours selves and others the way we are and they are rather than find faults & become sad . These imperfections were always there and will remain eternally, only our attitude can make the difference. Make a conscientious choice of being happy, satisfied with what we have got. We are unique creations of Almighty and there is a deep and essential reason of us being what we are....just need to identify this hidden perfection within our imperfections....and give ourselves a reason to be proud of...


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