Time Nahi hai......

How often have we used this phrase as an alibi for not being able to meet our parents or spend some time with them. Our job- urge to earn more and more, our colleagues: who don't mean anything really , our friends: the like minded people, keep us so occupied that when it comes to sit with the family and have some good talk we do not have The Time. We don't get a leave from the job to just pay them a visit but may get a couple to go for a vacation. Driving to their place to meet them in person might seem taxing for our health but driving to a far placed job or may be a fun destination is more like a relaxing journey.

Its ironically amusing that the job which gives me the money to spend on my Luxuries.....does not give me enough time to spend on my necessities....just a day off to visit my parents/family.... when they are alive and may be in need of our emotional support, but will instantly agree to lend me a few days when they will be no more...just enough to perform the last duties....ever given it a thought...

Suddenly money and the luxuries it buys have taken a top priority in our lives may be subconsciously without even letting us realize it, putting family especially our parents in the backseat.

Its strange but true and may be thought provoking for little some... that includes me too.

How good would it be if we could find some time & spend it with the old but the firm pillars of our lives, when they are still in this world which sees little beyond the physical & material needs...

Nature gives us enough time everyday..its only we who have to decide what type of quality we add to our day.....


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