Perfection is a reflection of Perception.

When we were born, did we know what being Perfect was. We are all born in the same manner, spend equal amount of time in the incubator called womb. We are born perfect but why is that when we grow up we loose that perfection or so do we actually loose it. At least this is what the whole world is busy making us reálise, that we are not perfect. And when this world is not around, we akeep comparing ourselves, our lives with some perceived perfection the person next door is, and we ought to be like him or her.

Who decides what perfection is. Some say God is perfect, who has seen God to know what perfection is. But may be, what they mean is when you reach a state of mind when you are content with what you have and are satisfied with yourself, you reach that state of ecstacy where your desires end and happiness starts. Isn't this what can be defined as a meeting point with God, where the world means nothing, neither do its fantasies fascinate us anymore, life has joy. The regret of being alive or fear of death never fills our heart with pain and remorse.

Anything which gives us a reason to smile, to reach that level where happiness is inherent and integral part of our being and not just momentary, bliss takes us closer to Perfection.
Again it is a perception I perceive.


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